June 13, 2024

Regenerating Land in Tanzania with Green Horizon Foundation

Regenerating Land in Tanzania with Green Horizon Foundation

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In Iringa, Tanzania, degradation has begun to give way to green patches. Emerging from barren expanses are forests and regenerative farms cultivated by the power of local knowledge. Green Horizon Foundation is at the helm, founded with the purpose of reclaiming degraded landscapes in the Southern Highlands region. This OFP forest project is working in close collaboration with local communities to reforest and rejuvenate the land, literally creating a green horizon in Tanzania's Southern Highlands.

Founders Robbert and Pieter met through a serendipitous encounter that created a shared opportunity to contribute positively to the environment. Over the years, deforestation, extensive land conversion to agriculture and unsustainable farming practices have left vast expanses barren. With a goal of bringing the land back to its former glory in close collaboration with local communities and teams, the organization strives to transform the landscape by planting a diverse array of trees.

Community engagement, education, and involvement are key pillars of the Green Horizon ethos. Implementing new reforestation techniques, and exploring sustainable farming practices and permaculture techniques with local farmers can not only broaden local opportunities but can also increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the farms all while using less land. They are partnered with various local institutions and government bodies to work together to gradually transform this area of Tanzania into a thriving ecosystem, including the Tanzania Forest Services. Local community members that possess a deep understanding of the land and its ecosystems integrate their insights into project planning and implementation.

Udumuka Farms is their first Open Forest Project, a 12 hectare reforestation project, consisting of almost 20.000 trees, that establishes a scalable model for a regionally-adapted reforestation approach to sequester carbon, restore and conserve biodiversity. The design uses a holistic approach to achieve as many diverse goals as possible, while ensuring the primary goals are met.

Green Horizon is an OFP carbon project, with the goal to create a sustainable, long term funding mechanism for the project's long-term viability. Partnering with OFP has provided an open, transparent, and low cost carbon financing solution that not only funds the projects but also fosters transparency and accountability. Through the generation of carbon credits, they hope to attract investment and support from individuals and organizations committed to mitigating climate change and preserving our planet's natural heritage.

"Celebrating our partnership with the Open Forest Protocol ecosystem is an affirmation of our shared commitment to redefining the Carbon Market's landscape. In this collaborative environment, transparency, accuracy, and integrity reign supreme, empowering organizations like ours to embark on nature projects that uphold these principles while contributing to one of the greatest causes of them all; nature restoration and conservation .”

By partnering with OFP and participating in the generation of carbon credits on-chain, Green Horizon has gained access to a global network of investors and stakeholders who share their commitment to conservation. They align with OFP in creating positive environmental impact while generating economic value. With the success of initial endeavors serving as a testament to the efficacy of nature-based solutions, Green Horizon is poised to scale efforts and expand their impact across Africa.

Explore Green Horizon on the OFP Atlas Explorer: https://atlas.openforestprotocol.org/1695197551801

Visit their website: https://www.greenhorizon.earth/

Check out their LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/stichting-green-horizon/

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