Together, we lead into a new era of transparency and inclusivity for the Carbon Markets.
Validators on OFP play a critical role.
They diligently verify and challenge the accuracy of data uploaded to the protocol by the Project Developers.
As the core nodes of Open Forest Protocol's network, validation on OFP is designed to accurately evaluate the real world state of a natural asset, every year.
Play a pivotal role in ensuring the authenticity of global afforestation and reforestation projects, at scale.
Join a respected network upholding the highest standards of carbon credit verification and earn rewards for your participation.
Engage with Open Forest Protocol's state-of-the-art platform and use your proprietary technologies for data validation. Offer services on Open Forest Protocol's Marketplace (coming soon).
Join Open Forest Protocol's network of Validators if you have expertise in forestry, remote sensing and care about scaling climate action.